Alternative Medicine - GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES


This alternative medicine has a history of approximately 5,000 years. It has become much known and not only people around the world use it, but they also have a different technique depending on the place the reflexology is taking place.

Reflexology method from the United States
Flocco Method of feet, hand and ear reflexology: Created by Bill Flocco in California, he works the three maps: feet, hands and ears in a session.

Reflexology method from the United Kingdom
Gentle Touch Reflexology: by Sue Ricks, the work is based on the gentle the movements are done more powerful it is.

Reflexology method from Australia
SMART Ayurvedic Reflexology: Sthatis Method of Ayurvedic Reflex Therapy (SMART) developed by Sharon Stathis. This method uses marma points, oils and three metal kansa bowl. It is a combination of ayurveda’s Paddabyhanga foot massages and tradition foot Reflexology

Reflexology method from Israel
Co-ordinative Reflexology: created by Shmuel Zaidel in 1980. This method uses a technique similar to dance. It is very interesting to watch and to receive too.

As we can see reflexology has travel all around the five continents. The medicine is the same, but the technique is what changes making this alternative medicine unique.

Reflexology & people around the world
In the world we see that reflexology is tanking more space now, people look for other types of health care because now the people think more in "GREEN". By this I mean that people are trusting more natural health procedures, but as I said before not anyone can use reflexology. Also people now include reflexology in massage sessions so it is taking place all around the world.

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