Alternative Medicine - GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES


I choose alternative medicine as a topic because I think that now a day s we are a step further into the future and even though medicine is developing very fast and technology is getting better and better , we must not turn our backs to other options.

I am not a naturist person; however I do live a healthy life thanks to a balance diet and I also maintain an active sport life. When it comes to medicine I assist to a doctor and I if necessary I take the drugs the doctor administrate me. But I must say that I would prefer to be cure in a different way because some medicines can act also in a negative way in your body, like vaccines for example.

Alternative medicines are an open window for some people who feels traditional medicine has closed their door.


Reflexology and alternative medicine are not new, they have become more recognize in the last past decades. Archaeological evidence finds origins of reflexology in Egypt, China and Japan countries located in the East. While reflexology was found in those countries around 2704BCE in the West, reflexology appears in the 19th century.

Reflexology was based in a research into the nervous system and reflex. Reflexology works as a therapy not only to cure but also to prevent health problems and to maintain the body balance. What makes reflexology so good is that it does not have a side effect; there are no medicines in between. Reflexology is simple, safe and in provides a holistic treatment for the entire body. This therapy can be used to heal a list of diseases, as the body is consider a single unit, this means that all the organs are in some way connected, for that reason it can treat the complete body.

The human feet and palm hand have different points were other human organs reflex. For this there is a reflexology chart showing every point and what area of the body it benefits with the reflexes.


The reflexology chart works as a map for the therapist to know exactly where to amply the reflex massage. The feet as well as the hands have different points that reflex the parts of the body. If you have problems on for example the stomach is probably that while the therapist is touching that part it would hurt.

They last about 30 to 45 minutes. The patient sits in a chair and put their feet in a table so that the reflexology will be a comfortable work for both. The reflexologist use pressure on the affected zones. Sometimes it could be harmful but the patient can inform the reflexologist about it and the technique can change.


Reflexology DO

• Causes Relaxation
• Improves Blood circulation
• Helps cure nerve related problems
• Helps in respiratory disorders

Reflexology DO NOT

• Does not over stimulate any of body's functional activities
• Cannot create any health disorder
• Does not contradict with any other treatment or medicines
• Does not add any chemicals in any form in the body
• Does not give any bruises or injury


The main benefit that reflexology have on people is the reduction of stress, it gives the body its equilibrium back. We can say but not affirm that reflexology cure diseases because it is still under evaluation but it relief the pain and it have a positive effect on the person.


This alternative medicine has a history of approximately 5,000 years. It has become much known and not only people around the world use it, but they also have a different technique depending on the place the reflexology is taking place.

Reflexology method from the United States
Flocco Method of feet, hand and ear reflexology: Created by Bill Flocco in California, he works the three maps: feet, hands and ears in a session.

Reflexology method from the United Kingdom
Gentle Touch Reflexology: by Sue Ricks, the work is based on the gentle the movements are done more powerful it is.

Reflexology method from Australia
SMART Ayurvedic Reflexology: Sthatis Method of Ayurvedic Reflex Therapy (SMART) developed by Sharon Stathis. This method uses marma points, oils and three metal kansa bowl. It is a combination of ayurveda’s Paddabyhanga foot massages and tradition foot Reflexology

Reflexology method from Israel
Co-ordinative Reflexology: created by Shmuel Zaidel in 1980. This method uses a technique similar to dance. It is very interesting to watch and to receive too.

As we can see reflexology has travel all around the five continents. The medicine is the same, but the technique is what changes making this alternative medicine unique.

Reflexology & people around the world
In the world we see that reflexology is tanking more space now, people look for other types of health care because now the people think more in "GREEN". By this I mean that people are trusting more natural health procedures, but as I said before not anyone can use reflexology. Also people now include reflexology in massage sessions so it is taking place all around the world.


In my country there is a centre of reflexology directed by Sister Juana Cattin, she came to Peru in a mission in the year 1995. Three years later she was asked to join a session of reflexology, after that she started her labor with the peasants in the countryside of Chimbote. In 200 she moves to Lima to start a centre for the people and also for training people so that reflexology will expand. Sense that year her centre has been working for everyone, it is almost 11 years sense reflexology started here and this is just the start.

With eleven therapists in practice, Sister Cattin and her staff give reflexology in a house in the district of Los Olivos. They are professional therapist and they also give classes so that there will be more professionals and the business of reflexology will be more expand around the country.

Sister Cattin receive every kind of person that is ready to believe in what reflexology does to the body. The first element for the technique of Sister Cattin is faith. Children, babies, elder people, everyone can receive reflexology treatment, the time and the way is the one that varied depending on the patient.


Reflexologist always suggest that this type of alternative medicine should by use with precautions and that traditional medicine should not be put aside without any previous professional view. It is true that reflexology can cure and that it can prevent illnesses but it is also true that some things should be tried with medicines.


Before I started this topic I did know a little bit about reflexology and I was very curious about trying it. I find alternative medicine a step into the future so when I had the opportunity of investigating about it I was very excited. This portfolio gave me the chance of experimenting what I was searching for.

It was because of my aunt that I reach the centre of Sister Cattin and I was able to live the experience of a reflexology therapy. I saw results in my mother, in my aunt and in myself; that gave me more interest on the topic.

I personally believe that reflexology is a future door, what I learn about this is that you have to have faith and believe in something that many people do not. I do think that reflexology has a bigger place in the future because it is expanding and many people are having an open mind about it.